MicroPython Built-in Functions



MicroPython is a “slim” version of Python specifically designed with a small footprint to efficiently run on memory constrained microcontrollers.

MicroPython does not implement the complete complement of Python built-in functions. This tutorial describes only those built-ins that are supported by MicroPython. All code examples are original and have been tested on a micro:bit for correctness using the Mu Editor.

An exhaustive alphabetic list of MicroPython functions with a brief description appears in the following table. Each function name has a link to a deeper description, complete with examples.

This is a lengthy article so hyperlinks are provided regularly through the page to aid navigation.

Built-in Function List

Table 1: MicroPython Built-in Functions
Function Description
abs() Returns the absolute value of a number
all() Returns True if all items in an iterable object are true
any() Returns True if any item in an iterable object is true
bin() Returns the binary version of a number
bool() Returns the boolean value of the specified object
bytearray() Returns an array of bytes
bytes() Returns a bytes object
callable() Returns True if the specified object is callable, otherwise False
chr() Returns a character from the specified Unicode code, in the range 0..255
classmethod() Converts a function into a class method
complex() Returns a complex number
delattr() Deletes the specified attribute (property or method) from the specified object
dict() Returns a dictionary (Array)
dir() Returns a list of the specified object's properties and methods
divmod() Returns the quotient and the remainder when argument1 is divided by argument2
enumerate() Takes a collection (e.g. a tuple) and returns it as an enumerate object
eval() Evaluates and executes an expression
exec() Executes the specified code (or object)
filter() Use a filter function to exclude items in an iterable object
float() Returns a floating point number
getattr() Returns the value of the specified attribute (property or method)
globals() Returns the current global symbol table as a dictionary
hasattr() Returns True if the specified object has the specified attribute (property/method)
hash() Returns the hash value of a specified object
help() Executes the built-in help system
hex() Converts a number into a hexadecimal value
id() Returns the id of an object
input() Allowing user input
int() Returns an integer number
isinstance() Returns True if a specified object is an instance of a specified object
issubclass() Returns True if a specified class is a subclass of a specified object
iter() Returns an iterator object
len() Returns the length of an object
list() Returns a list
locals() Returns an updated dictionary of the current local symbol table
map() Returns the specified iterator with the specified function applied to each item
max() Returns the largest item in an iterable
memoryview() Returns a memory view object
min() Returns the smallest item in an iterable
next() Returns the next item in an iterable
object() Returns a new object
oct() Converts a number into an octal
open() Opens a file and returns a file object
ord() Convert an integer representing the Unicode of the specified character
pow() Returns the value of x to the power of y
print() Prints to the standard output device
property() Gets, sets, deletes a property
range() Returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 and increments by 1 (by default)
repr() Return a string containing a printable representation of an object
reversed() Returns a reversed iterator
round() Rounds a numbers
set() Returns a new set object
setattr() Sets an attribute (property/method) of an object
sorted() Returns a sorted list
staticmethod() Converts a method into a static method
str() Returns a string object
sum() Sums the items of an iterator
super() Returns an object that represents the parent class
tuple() Returns a tuple object
type() Returns the type of an object
zip() Returns an iterator, from two or more iterators

Detailed Function Description





Returns the absolute value of the given float or integer number.

‘The absolute value of a number may be thought of as its distance from zero’ [1].

In practical terms this generally means removing a negative sign if the number is negative.

If the number is a complex number the magnitude is returned.

Example 1

# Demonstrates the built-in function abs()

list1 = [3, -99, 0, -5.81, 3 + 4j] 

for num in list1:
    print('abs(', num, ') =', abs(num))


abs( 3 ) = 3
abs( -99 ) = 99
abs( 0 ) = 0
abs( -5.81 ) = 5.81
abs( (3+4j) ) = 5.0

The last one deserves some further explanation. The (3+4j) is a complex number, composed of a real component and an imaginary component. Python is one of very few computer languages that natively provide a complex number type.

Complex numbers have many uses in applied mathematics. They are often used to manipulate GPS coordinates eg the GPS coordinates of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 33.8523° S, 151.2108° E could be represented by the complex number -33.8523 + 151.2108j.

Unfortunately, MicroPython doesn't come with the cmath library of Python. However the built-in complex number functionality of MicroPython can be suitably used to manipulate GPS data that a microcontroller is reading in realtime from a GPS chip.

Consider the complex number 3 + 4j as the coordinate on a two dimensional cartesian plane where the point is located 3 units in the x direction and 4 units in the y direction. The function abs(3 + 4j) is the distance from the point to the origin (0,0); in this case 5 units.

Function abs() applied to Complex Number
FIG 2 - abs() applied to complex numbers
Back to function list





Returns True if all elements in the given iterable are true. If not, it returns False.

Related functions


Example 2

# Simple demonstration of the
# built-in function all()

list1 = [True, True, True] 
list2 = [True, False, True]

print('all(list1) =', all(list1))
print('all(list2) =', all(list2))


all(list1) = True
all(list2) = False

Example 3

# More complex demonstration
# of the built-in function all()

# This program has a dataset that
# contains two lists.
# If all elements of a list are
# numerical the average value is calculated.
# If a list contains any elements that aren't
# numerical an error is reported.

# Function to check whether a list contains
# all numericals.
def isnumbers(values):
    list1 = []
    for value in values:
       # Is value an integer?
        isint = type(value)==int
        # Is value a float?
        isfloat = type(value)==float
        # If value is an integer or a float
        # then it is numerical
        isnum = isint or isfloat
    # if all values are numerical then
    # True will be returned else False.
    return all(list1)
# Function calculates average value
# of a list of verified numbers.
def average(values):
    total = sum(values)
    count = len(values)
    return total / count

# Set containing two lists.
dataset = ([5, 9, 1, 0], [5, 9, 1, 0, 'spam'])  

# Process each list and attempt to
# calculate an average value.
for data in dataset:
    if isnumbers(data):
        # The list is all numerical
        print(data, ': average =', average(data))
        # The list contains non-numerical values.
        print(data,': Nonnumerical data in list')

[5, 9, 1, 0] : average = 3.75
[5, 9, 1, 0, 'spam'] : Nonnumerical data in list

This example uses all() to check that all values in a dataset are numerical before calculating the average.

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Returns True if any element of an iterable is True. If not, it returns False.

Related functions


Example 4

# Simple demonstration of the
# built-in function any()

list1 = [False, True, True]
list2 = [False, False, False]
list3 = [True, True, True]

print('any(list1) =', any(list1))
print('any(list2) =', any(list2))
print('any(list3) =', any(list3))


any(list1) = True
any(list2) = False
any(list3) = True

The next example is specifically written for the micro:bit. It is a simulation where the microcontroller polls five status panels, each with five status indicators (LEDs) of a running machine and reacts to any status change.

Copy the code to the Mu Editor, save and flash to the micro:bit. Wait for around a minute before accessing the REPL to see the output.

Example 5

# A more complex demonstration of 
# the built-in function any().

# This program simulates a microcontroller
# monitoring status of five instrument panels.
# The panels are labelled panel 1 to panel 5.

# Each panel contains five LED status lights.
# Once every five seconds each panel is read
# by the microcontroller. If a panel has at
# least one LED ON then that panel must 
# be serviced and reset.

# This cycle of reading, checking, servicing
# and resetting panels continues on in an
# endless loop, till the machine is stopped.

# It is known that there is a 5% chance that
# at least one LED on a panel will be found ON
# at each read.

# For the purpose of this realtime simulation,
# random numbers will be used to set
# LEDs ON or OFF.

# Generates random integers
import random
# Provides timing functions
import time

# Function to 'read' a status panel
# There is a 20% chance that at least
# one LED will be ON.
def read_panel(panel):
    panel = [] # Reset the panel
    for i in range(1, 6):
        if (random.randint(1, 20) != 20):
           # LED is OFF
            # LED is ON
    return panel        

def service_panel(panel):
    pass # Do some things!
# Returns the machine uptime in seconds
def uptime():
    now = time.ticks_ms()
    tdiff = time.ticks_diff(now, begin)/1000
    return tdiff
# The five panels are implemented as 
# a list of lists, each of the nested
# representing one panel.
panels = [[], [], [], [], []]
# Start the machine's clock.
begin = time.ticks_ms()
finished = False

print('Starting machine monitoring...')
# Wait 10 seconds for the machine
# to fully start up.

# Main program is an endless loop
while not(finished):
    counter = 1
    # Cycle through each of the 
    # five panels in turn.
    for panel in panels:
        panel = read_panel(panel)
        if any(panel):
            # At least one LED is ON
            # Print the status of the panel
            # LEDs: True = ON, False = OFF
            print('Panel', counter, 'status:',
                   panel, 'at time =',
                   uptime(), 'seconds') 
        counter += 1
    # Wait 5 seconds before next read
    # of the five panels.

Since this is a simulation, the program must generate random statuses on the panels. A random number generator is used where there is a 5% random chance that a status LED will be turned ON.

Each of the five panels are polled in turn. The state of the panel's LEDs are stored in a list. After a panel read, the function any()is called on the list to determine if any of the panel's LEDs are ON (True value).

Typical Output:

Starting machine monitoring...
Panel 1 status: [False, False, False, True, False] at time = 10.002 seconds
Panel 3 status: [True, False, False, False, False] at time = 10.008 seconds
Panel 4 status: [False, False, False, False, True] at time = 25.019 seconds
Panel 5 status: [False, False, True, False, False] at time = 25.025 seconds
Panel 3 status: [False, False, False, False, True] at time = 30.034 seconds
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 55, in <module>>

Back to function list





Converts an integer to its binary representation and returns the binary representation as a string. The string is prefixed by 0b followed by the 0's and 1's making up the binary equivalent of the integer.

For example, the integer 10 is 1010 in binary so bin(10) = '0b1010'.

The integer can be in decimal, octal or hexadecimal format. All of the following will return the binary representation '0b1010':

bin(10) decimal (base 10)
bin(0o12) octal (base 8)
bin(0xa) hexadecimal (base 16)

Related functions

oct(), int(), hex()

Example 6

# Demonstrates the use and pitfalls
# of the function bin()

int1 = 5
int2 = 6

# Convert to binary representation
bin1 = bin(int1)
bin2 = bin(int2)

# 'bin1' and 'bin2' are strings.
# This is string concatenation,
# not numerical addition.
sum1 = bin1 + bin2

# 'bin1' and 'bin2' strings are converted
# to integers before the addition.
# This will give numeric addition.
sum2 = bin(int(bin1) + int(bin2))

print('WRONG... This is string concatenation')
print(bin1, '+', bin2, '=', sum1)

print('CORRECT... This is numerical addition')
print(bin1, '+', bin2, '=', sum2)
print(sum2, 'in decimal form is', int(sum2))


WRONG... This is string concatenation
0b101 + 0b110 = 0b1010b110

CORRECT... This is numerical addition
0b101 + 0b110 = 0b1011
0b1011 in decimal form is 11

The result from applying the function bin() is a string. A binary value (of type string) can be converted back to an integer using the int() function. Mathematical operations can only performed when the binary representation has been converted to an integer.

The primary purpose of the bin() function is for presentation or formatted output.

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Takes a specified argument and returns its boolean value. The bool() function returns:

  • False - if argument is empty, False, 0 or None
  • True - if argument is any number (besides 0), True, or any non-empty string / list / tuple / set / dictionary
Example 7

# Demonstrates the use of the function bool()

# Returns False
print('bool() =', bool())
print('bool(False) =', bool(False))
print('bool(0) =', bool(0))
print('bool(None) =', bool(None))


#Returns True
print('bool(3.14) =', bool(3.14))
print('bool(True) =', bool(True))
print('bool("Spam") =', bool("Spam"))


bool() = False
bool(False) = False
bool(0) = False
bool(None) = False

bool(3.14) = True
bool(True) = True
bool("Spam") = True

Example 8

# Demonstrates the use of a
# user defined function that
# has a boolean return type generated
# with the built-in function bool()

# For each element of a list:
#  (1) Determine if it is an integer
#  (2) If an integer; is it odd or even?

# Function returns true if num is even,
# otherwise False.
# It is expected that num is an integer.
def is_even(num):
    return not(bool(num % 2))
list1 = [-5, 24, 'Spam', 3 + 5j, 24.8]

for item in list1:
    if (type(item) == int):
       # list element is an integer
        if (is_even(item)):
           print(item, ' is an even integer')
           print(item, ' is an odd integer') 
        print(item, ' is not an integer')


-5  is an odd integer
24  is an even integer
Spam  is not an integer
(3+5j)  is not an integer
24.8  is not an integer

The function is_even() accepts an integer as its parameter. The number is divided by 2 and if the remainder is zero (0) then True is returned else False.

This relies on bool(0) returning False, i.e when there is no remainder after dividing by 2. The False value is converted to True by the not operator, signifying that the integer is even.

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bytearray([<source>], [<'utf-8'>])

Note: MicroPython's syntax is a simplified form of the full Python bytearray() syntax. A full coverage of the bytearray data type can be found here


Returns a bytearray object which is an array of 8-bit bytes. The bytearray class is a mutable sequence of integers in the range of 0 to 255.

The bytearray object provides some very memory efficient ways to manipulate large strings. In the case where [<source>] is of type string, utf-8 encoding can be optionally specified by adding 'utf-8' as the second argument though this has no practical effect in MicroPython.

Related functions


Example 9

# Demonstrate memory allocation of a bytearray

b1 = bytearray("Spam")
print('(1) : ', b1, '-', id(b1))

# Add a string to the end of a bytearray
b1.extend(" Cans")
print('(2) : ', b1, '-', id(b1))

# Changing single characters in a bytearray
b1[2], b1[3] = ord('u'), ord('n')
print('(3) : ', b1, '-', id(b1))

(1) :  bytearray(b'Spam') - 536891008
(2) :  bytearray(b'Spam Cans') - 536891008
(3) :  bytearray(b'Spun Cans') - 536891008

The bytearray and the immutable equivalent bytes classes are often used as read/write buffers by microcontrollers when communicating with other devices such as sensors. They are also used by the methods of the ustruct module.

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MicroPython's syntax is a simplified form of the full Python bytes() syntax. A full coverage of the MicroPython (for the micro:bit) bytes data type can be found here


bytes([<source>], [<encoding>])

Note: MicroPython enforces the use of <encoding> when <source> is a string, as per the Python language standard.

However in the case of bytearray(), MicroPython does not enforce an encoding type for a string source. It is optional which is at variance with the Python language standard.


Returns an immutable bytes object initialized with the given size and data. In the case where [<source>] is of type string, an encoding type must be specified as the second argument. MicroPython accepts 'utf-8' and 'ascii'.

The parameter <source> can have the following types:

  • bytes()
    • Empty bytearray
  • bytes(<integer>)
    • bytes object containing <integer> number of members of value zero (null)
  • bytes(<string>, <encoding>)
    • Encoding type can be 'ascii' or 'utf-8' but must be specified.
  • bytes([int_1, int_2, ...int_n])
    • bytes object populated from an iterable which must contain only integers in the range 0..255. Integers outside this range will raise a ValueError exception.

Related functions


Example 10

# Demonstrate some simple uses
# of the bytes object.

# Empty bytes object
b = bytes()
print('Empty bytes object:')
print(b, '\n')

# A bytes object with 5 members
# all set to 0 (null).
b = bytes(5)
print('bytes object with 5 null elements:')
print(b, '\n')

# bytes object populated with contents
# of an iterable (list).
b = bytes([1, 2, int(31/5)])
print('bytes object from a list of integers:')
print(b, '\n')

# bytes object populated with contents
# of an iterable (set)
b = bytes((1, 2, int(31/5)))
print('bytes object from a set of integers:')
print(b, '\n')

# Example of a string converted to 
# bytes object with utf-8 encoding
b1 = bytes('Spam','utf-8')
print('bytes object from string (utf-8)')
print('Elements of the bytes object:')
# Print each element of the bytes object
for i in b1:
    print(i, end=" ")


Empty bytes object:

bytes object with 5 null elements:

bytes object from a list of integers:

bytes object from a set of integers:

bytes object from string (utf-8 encoding)
Elements of the bytes object:
83 112 97 109   

While there are inconsistencies in the way bytearray() and bytes() are implemented in MicroPython (for the micro:bit) they are never the less very useful for certain microcontroller tasks.

They are often used as the data type of choice for data buffers during communications between the microcontroller and other devices such as sensors. They are also used by the methods of the ustruct module.

Back to function list





Returns True if the object passed appears callable. If not, it returns False. Care must be taken with this function as it may return True for a given object but in some contexts actually calling the object may raise an exception.

Example 11

# Demonstrates the use of the
# function callable().

def print_this(to_print = 'Hello World'):

# Is the function 'print_this' callable?  
print('Is "print_this()" callable?:', end=' ')

# Is an integer callable?
print('Is 64 callable?:', end=' ')


Is "print_this()" callable?: True
Is 64 callable?: False

In the example above the user defined function my_print_job() is callable. However the integer 64 is not callable for obvious reasons. The function call 64() is not valid and makes no sense.

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    number: an integer number in the
    range 0 to 255.

    chr(65)  ⇒ 'A'
    chr(52)  ⇒ ''4''
    ⇒ ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256)


Converts an integer to its ascii character and returns it. MicroPython only supports a range of 0..255; anything beyond this range raises a ValueError exception.

Function ord() is the opposite to chr(). For example: chr(65) = 'A' and ord('A') = 65.

Related functions


Example 12

# Demonstrates the use of the
# functions chr() and ord()

# Program prints the alphabet in
# both lowercase and uppercase.

# Prints the alphabet
def chr_print(start, finish):
    count = 0
    for ch in range(start, finish+1):
        print(chr(ch), end=' ')
        count += 1
        # Print 13 characters per line
        if (count % 13 == 0):

# Define lowercase alphabet
a = ord('a')
z = ord('z')
# Define uppercase alphabet
A = ord('A')
Z = ord('Z')

chr_print(A, Z) # print uppercase letters
chr_print(a, z) # print lowercase letters


A B C D E F G H I J K L M 
N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

a b c d e f g h i j k l m 
n o p q r s t u v w x y z 

Back to function list





Returns a class method for the given function. A short tutorial on MicroPython class methods with examples and usages can be found here. This function converts an instance method to a class method. Class methods are methods that are called on the class itself, not on a specific object instance.

The classmethod() function, while not depreciated from Python, is considered ‘old-fashioned’. The recommended way of specifying a class method is with the @classmethod decorator.

Related functions


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complex(<real>[, <imaginary>])

        A number representing the real part
        of the complex number.
        The default is 0.

        Optional. A number representing the
        imaginary part of the complex number.
        The default is 0.

    complex(3, 5) ⇒ (3+5j)
    complex() ⇒ 0j
    complex(-4.18, 5.23) ⇒ (-4.18+5.23j)
    ⇒ Ok for Python, 
    MicroPython raises ValueError exception


The complex() function returns a complex number by specifying a real number and an imaginary number.

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delattr(class, attribute)

    class:  Name of the class.
    attribute: String containing name
              of attribute to be deleted.


If the class allows it, delattr() deletes the attribute from the class. Any object that has been or will be instantiated from this class will no longer have access to the deleted attribute.

Related functions

getattr(), hasattr(), setattr()

Example 13

# Demonstrates the delattr() function.

class book():
    def __init__(self, title, author, pubdate):
        self.title = title
        self.author = author
        self.pubdate = pubdate
    def PrintBook(self):
        print('Title is', self.title)
        print('Author is', self.author)
        print('Publish date is', 
               self.pubdate, '\n')

# Create a book and print its details.      
mybook = book('MicroPython',
              'Fred Cave',

# Create another book and print its details.
herbook = book('Quilting 101',
               'Jane Smith',

# This will delete the method PrintBook()
# from all objects created from class book().
delattr(book, 'PrintBook')

# Attempt to print book details
except AttributeError as error:

except AttributeError as error:

# The method PrintBook() is deleted
# even for new book() instances.
hisbook = book('Dingo Man',
               'James Dipple',
except AttributeError as error:


Title is MicroPython
Author is Fred Cave
Publish date is Feb-2023 

Title is Quilting 101
Author is Jane Smith
Publish date is 1905 

'book' object has no attribute 'PrintBook'
'book' object has no attribute 'PrintBook'
'book' object has no attribute 'PrintBook'

Back to function list



dict([keyword arguments])

  keyword argument consists of the following construct:
    key = value

    dict(age = 36)
    dict(country = "New Zealand")
    dict(one = 1, two = 2)


The dict() function is a constructor that creates a dictionary. The [keyword arguments] are optional. There can be none, one or more of these separated by commas.

Related functions

list(), set(), str(), tuple()

Example 14

# Demonstrates the dict() built-in function.

# Dictionary with no entries
d1 = dict()
print("Dictionary with no entries:")
print(d1, '\n')

# Dictionary with entries
d2 = dict(name = "Jack", age = 40, job = "plumber")
print("Dictionary with entries:")
print(d2, '\n')

# Alternative to dict()
d3 = {'colour':'red', 'size':'big'}
print("Dictionary d3:")

Dictionary with no entries:

Dictionary with entries:
{'job': 'plumber', 'name': 'Jack', 'age': 40} 

Dictionary d3:
{'size': 'big', 'colour': 'red'}

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  <object> is optional and is the name
  of the object whose attributes are to
  be displayed.


The dir() function returns all properties and methods of the specified object, without the values. This function will return all the properties and methods, even built-in properties which are default for all objects.

If no argument is passed, it returns the list of object names in the current local scope.

Related functions


Example 15

# Demonstrates the dir() built-in function.

# string object
S1 = 'Spam'

# Dictionary object
D1 = dict(name = "Jack", age = 40, job = "plumber")

# List object
L1 = [0, 1, 2, 3]

# Get directory listing of all objects
# in this program.
print('All objects:', dir(), '\n')

# Get properties and methods of 
# the S1 string object and print
# them out three to a line.
print ('Properties and methods of string S1:')
count = 0
for value in dir(S1):
    print(value, '  ', end='')
    count += 1
    if count == 3:
        count = 0


All objects: ['D1', 'L1', '__name__', 'S1'] 

Properties and methods of string S1:
__class__   count   endswith   
find   format   index   
isalpha   isdigit   islower   
isspace   isupper   join   
lower   lstrip   replace   
rfind   rindex   rsplit   
rstrip   split   startswith   
strip   upper   decode   

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divmod(<argument1>, <argument2>)

    <argument1> is divided by <argument2>

    divmod(11, 3)  ⇒ (3, 2)

    divmod(-11, 3)  ⇒ (-4, 1)
        (equivalent to 3 * -4 + 1 = -11)

    divmod(11.4, 3.9)  ⇒ (2.0, 3.599999)


The divmod() function returns a tuple containing the quotient and the remainder when <argument1> (dividend) is divided by <argument2> (divisor).

Thus this function (for integers) calculates both x // y and x % y and returns both the values. The function also works fine with float values (see example above).

Example 16

# Demonstrates the built-in function divmod()

x = divmod(11, 3)
print('divmod(11, 3) =', x)
print('11 =', x[0],'* 3 +', x[1], '\n')

y = divmod(-11, 3)
print('divmod(-11, 3) =', y)
print('-11 =', y[0],'* 3 +', y[1], '\n')

z = divmod(11.4, 3.9)
print('divmod(11.4, 3.9) =', z)
print('11.4 =', z[0],'* 3.9 +', z[1])

divmod(11, 3) = (3, 2)
11 = 3 * 3 + 2 

divmod(-11, 3) = (-4, 1)
-11 = -4 * 3 + 1 

divmod(11.4, 3.9) = (2.0, 3.599999)
11.4 = 2.0 * 3.9 + 3.599999

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enumerate(<iterable>, [<start>])

    <iterable> - sequence, an iterator, or object
    that support iteration.

    <start> - (optional) starts counting from
    this number. Default is 0.

  E = enumerate(['boy', 'girl'], 50)
  D = dict(E)

  D ⇒ {50: 'boy', 51: 'girl'}
  D[50] ⇒ 'boy'
  D[51] ⇒ 'girl'


The enumerate() function adds a counter to an iterable[2] and returns it. The returned object is an enumerate object.

The enumerate object is returned in a key-value pair format. The key is the corresponding index of each item and the value is the items.

The enumerate object can be converted to a list, tuple or dictionary using the list(), tuple() and dict() functions respectively.

The enunerate() function can be very useful in for loops. See Example 17 below.

Related functions

iter(), next()

Example 17

# Demonstrates the built-in function enumerate()

Colours = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
Clothes = 'pants', 'shirt', 'skirt'
Fruits = ('orange', 'mango', 'peach')

eColours = enumerate(Colours)
print('List -> ')
print(list(eColours), '\n')

eClothes = enumerate(Clothes, 100)
print('Tuple -> ')
print(tuple(eClothes), '\n')

print("'for' loop example:")
for counter, fruit in enumerate(Fruits, 1):
    print(counter, fruit)


List -> 
[(0, 'red'), (1, 'green'), (2, 'blue')] 

Tuple -> 
((100, 'pants'), (101, 'shirt'), (102, 'skirt')) 

'for' loop example:
1 orange
2 mango
3 peach

Back to function list



eval(<expression>[, globals[, locals]])

    <expression>: String is parsed and evaluated
    as a Python expression.

    globals [optional]: Dictionary to specify the
    available global methods and variables.

    locals [optional]: Dictionary to specify the
    available local methods and variables.

    eval('5 * 8')  ⇒ 40

    pi = 3.14159
    r = 2
    eval('pi * pow(r, 2)')  ⇒ 12.56636

     eval('x = 2') 
      Assignment statement, not an expression.
      This will give the following error.
        ⇒ Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>>
            File "<string>", line 1
            SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    Global dictionary example
    eval('sum(x)', {'x' : [2, 3, 4]}) ⇒ 9


The eval() function evaluates the specified expression and if the expression is a legal MicroPython statement, it will be executed. This allows MicroPython expressions to be dynamically built and executed in a program.

The first parameter passed to eval() must be an expression. It cannot be a compound statement e.g. a for loop or an assignment statement.

Related functions


Back to function list



exec(<object>[, globals[, locals]])

<object>: String object containing code
to be executed.

globals: Optional  dictionary containing
global parameters.

locals: Optional dictionary containing
local parameters.


The exec() function is used to execute the specified Python code. MicroPython requires the code to be executed to be a string.

While eval() can only evaluate a MicroPython expression e.g. eval('4 + 5'), exec() will execute full blocks of code.

The parameters globals and locals will not be discussed further in this posting. These are optional and might not be used often with embedded MicroPython programs in a microcontroller.

Related functions


Example 18

# Demonstrates the exec() built-in function.

# This program will dynamically construct the following
# MicroPython code then execute it as a program.

# List = [34, 86, 1, 256, 63]
# for item in List:
#    if (item % 2) == 0:
#       print(item, 'is even')
#    else:
#       print(item, 'is odd')

# Build the dynamic code
myCode = 'List = [34, 86, 1, 256, 63]\n'
myCode += 'for item in List:\n'
myCode += '   if (item % 2) == 0:\n'
myCode += '      print(item, "is even")\n'
myCode += '   else:\n'
myCode += '      print(item, "is odd")\n'

# Execute the dynamic code
print('Program code to execute:')

Program code to execute:
List = [34, 86, 1, 256, 63]
for item in List:
   if (item % 2) == 0:
      print(item, "is even")
      print(item, "is odd")

34 is even
86 is even
1 is odd
256 is even
63 is odd

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filter(function, iterable)

    function:  Function to be run for each item
               in the iterable.

    iterable:  Iterable (eg list, tuple, dictionary)
               to be filtered.

    An iterator of filtered elements.


The filter() function returns an iterator where the items are filtered through a function to test if the item is accepted or not. Sounds complicated, but it isn't really. It's easily understood through an example - see Example 19 below.

Related functions


Example 19

# Demonstrates the built-in filter() function.

# Dictionary of all agents
agent1 = {'Name':'Fred', 'Age':35}
agent2 = {'Name':'Jack', 'Age':70}
agent3 = {'Name':'Bill', 'Age':43}
agentList = [agent1, agent2, agent3]

# Agent mandatory retirement age
OLD = 65

def notRetired(agent):
    # An agent is retired if they
    # have reached the mandatory
    # retirement age.
    if agent['Age'] < OLD:
        return True
        return False

# Filter out all agents who are retired.     
active = filter(notRetired, agentList)
for those in active:

{'Name': 'Fred', 'Age': 35}
{'Name': 'Bill', 'Age': 43}

Note that the filter() function returns an iterator not a list. That is why the for loop is needed in the example above to produce the output showing the active agents.

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    value:  A number or a string that can be
            converted into a floating point number.

    float(5)  ⇒ 5.0
    float(-5)  ⇒ -5.0
    float(3 ** 5)  ⇒ 243.0
    float(6.89)  ⇒ 6.89
    float('98')  ⇒ 98.0

    float(4 + 3j)
      ⇒ TypeError: can't convert complex to float

      ⇒ TypeError: can't convert list to float


The float() function converts the specified value into a floating point number.

Related functions


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getattr(object, attribute[, default])

    object:  Object whose named attribute's
             value is to be returned.

    attribute:  String that contains the
                attribute's name.

    default: Optional value returned when 
             the attribute is not found.


The getattr() function returns the value of the named attribute of an object. If not found, it returns the default value provided to the function.

Related functions

delattr(), hasattr(), setattr()

Example 20

# Demonstrates the built-in getttr() function.

class SecretAgents:
    agent1 = {'Name':'Fred', 'Age':35}
    agent2 = {'Name':'Jack', 'Age':70}
    agent3 = {'Name':'Bill', 'Age':43}
    agency = 'CIA'

# Create an instance of the SecretAgents class
myAgents = SecretAgents()

# Get details of some secret agents
print('The agency is')
print(getattr(myAgents, 'agency'), '\n')

print('The age of agent1 is')
print(getattr(myAgents, 'agent1')['Age'], '\n')

print('Agent4 details:')
      'No such agent'))

The agency is CIA
The age of agent1 is 35
Agent4 details: No such agent

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The globals() function returns the dictionary of the current global symbol table.

Related functions


Example 21

# Demonstrate built-in globals() function.
# Demonstrate built-in locals() function.

class SecretAgents:
    agent1 = {'Name':'Fred', 'Age':35}
    agent2 = {'Name':'Jack', 'Age':70}
    agent3 = {'Name':'Bill', 'Age':43}
    agency = 'CIA'
    print('SecretAgents local dictionary:')
    for l in locals():

myAgents = SecretAgents()
print('Global dictionary:')
for g in globals():

SecretAgents local dictionary keys:

Global dictionary keys:

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hasattr(object, attribute)

    object:  Name of the object.

    attribute:  String containing name
               of the attribute.


The function hasattr() returns True if the specified object has the specified attribute else it returns False.

Related functions

delattr(), getattr(), setattr()

Example 22

# Demonstrate the built-in hasattr() function.

class SecretAgents:
    agent1 = {'Name':'Fred', 'Age':35}
    agent2 = {'Name':'Jack', 'Age':70}
    agent3 = {'Name':'Bill', 'Age':43}
    agency = 'CIA'

myAgents = SecretAgents()

if hasattr(myAgents, 'agent1'):
    print('agent1 details:', myAgents.agent1)
    print('agent1 not found')
if hasattr(myAgents, 'agent4'):
    print('agent4 details:', myAgents.agent1)
    print('agent4 not found')

agent1 details: {'Name': 'Fred', 'Age': 35}
agent4 not found

Back to function list




    object:  The object whose hash value
             is to be returned.

    hash(52)  ⇒ 52
    hash('Spam')  ⇒ 51882
    hash((1, 2, 3))  ⇒ 362898

    A list is a mutable type object.
    This will give an error.
    hash([1, 2, 3])
  ⇒ TypeError:
     unsupported type for __hash__: 'list'


The hash() function returns the hash value of an object if it has one. Hash values are computed integers used internally by MicroPython to compare dictionary keys during a quick dictionary look up.

It returns hashed value only for immutable objects, hence can be used as an indicator to check for mutable/immutable objects.

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object: Optional and is the name of the object 
        whose documentation is to be displayed.


The MicroPython help() function is used to get the documentation of the specified module, class, function, variables etc. This method does not work as expected with MicroPython on the micro:bit. It appears to have very limited usefulness.

Typing help() into the REPL on the Mu Editor produces the following output:

>>> help()
Welcome to MicroPython on the micro:bit!

Typing help('modules') into the REPL on the Mu Editor produces the following output:

__main__          machine           os                uerrno
antigravity       math              radio             urandom
audio             microbit          speech            ustruct
builtins          micropython       this              usys
gc                music             uarray            utime
love              neopixel          ucollections
Plus any modules on the filesystem

Related functions


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Converts an integer number to its hexadecimal (base 16) representation and returns the hexadecimal representation in a string format. The string is prefixed by '0x' followed by the 0's to 9's and 'a's to 'f's making up the hexadecimal equivalent of the integer. For example, the integer 100 is 64 in hexadecimal so hex(10) = '0x64'.

The integer can be in decimal, octal or binary format. All of the following will return the hexadecimal representation '0xa':

hex(10) hexadecimal value
hex(0o12) octal value
hex(0b1010) binary value

Related functions

bin(), int(), oct()

Example 23

# Demonstrates the built-in function hex()

int1 = 25
int2 = 26
hex1 = hex(int1)
hex2 = hex(int2)

# String concatenation, 
# not numerical addition
sum1 = hex1 + hex2
print(hex1, '+', hex2, '=', sum1, '\n')

# Correct numerical addition
sum2 = hex(int(hex1) + int(hex2)) 
print(hex1, '+', hex2, '=', sum2, '\n')

print('Converting to decimal...')
print(sum2, '=', int(sum2))


0x19 + 0x1a = 0x190x1a 

0x19 + 0x1a = 0x33 

Converting to decimal...
0x33 = 51

The result of the function hex() is a string. A hexadecimal represented string can be converted back to an integer using the int() function. Mathematical operations can only performed when the hexadecimal representation has been converted to the equivalent integer.

The primary purpose of the hex() function is for presentation or formatted output.

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    object: Any MicroPython object e.g.
            list, tuple, set, string, number

    id(5)  ⇒ 11
    id({1, 2, 3})  ⇒ 536891920
    id('Spam')  ⇒ 6858


The id() function returns the “identity” of the object. The identity of an object is an integer, which is guaranteed to be unique and constant for this object during its lifetime. Two objects with non-overlapping lifetimes may have the same id value.

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    prompt: A string, representing a default
            message before the input.


The input() function allows user input. Though MicroPython does provide this function it has limited use for the programming of microcontrollers. If it is used in a normal MicroPython program that is flashed to the micro:bit there is no way for the user to see the prompt and enter an input via the keyboard. However the function will work as intended if entered into the REPL.

Example 24

Copy the following code and paste it directly into the REPL on the Mu Editor. Press the enter key.

name = input('What is your name? ')
print('Your name is', name)

What is your name? Fred Cave
Your name is Fred Cave

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int(value[, base])

    value:  A number or a string that can be
            converted into a base 10 integer.

    base:   Optional, the base of value.
            The default is base 10.
            If not base 10 then value
            must be a string.>

    int(5.8)  ⇒ 5
    int(-5.8)  ⇒ -5
    int(3.2 ** 5.6)  ⇒ 674
    int(689)  ⇒ 689
    int('98')  ⇒ 98

      ⇒ ValueError: invalid syntax for
      integer with base 10

    int(4 + 3j)
    ⇒ TypeError: can't convert
    complex to int 

    ⇒ TypeError: can't convert list to int

    Convert a base 5 value to base 10:
    int('24', 5)  ⇒ 14


The int() function:

  1. Returns an integer from a number or string
  2. Converts a number in a given base to a base 10 integer.

Related functions


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isinstance(object, type)

    object: Any MicroPython object to have
            its type tested.

    type: One or more types.

    isinstance(45, (int, float))  ⇒ True


The isinstance() function returns True if the specified object is of the specified type, otherwise False.

If more than one type is passed to the function the types are parcelled as a tuple e.g. (set, list, dictionary)

Related functions


Example 25

# Demonstrates built-in function isinstance()

# A list is traversed and for all elements
# that are numbers the square root is
# calculated and output.

# Any negative number is converted
# to a positive value.

# An error message is output for any element
# that isn't a number.

from math import sqrt, pi

List = [23, pi,'Spam', -52.657]
for item in List:
    if isinstance(item, (int, float)):
        # Numerical, so make sure
        # it is positive then calculate 
        # the square root.
        item = abs(item)
        print('Square root of',
               item, 'is:', sqrt(item))
        # Not numerical
        # so print an error message.
        print(item, 'is not a number')


Square root of 23 is: 4.795832
Square root of 3.141593 is: 1.772454
Spam is not a number
Square root of 52.657 is: 7.256515

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issubclass(object, subclass)

    object: A MicroPython object

    subclass: A class object, or a tuple
              of class objects.


The issubclass() function returns True if the object (first parameter) is a subclass of the specified class (second parameter), otherwise False.

More than one object can be tested for subclass membership in a single call to the function. In this case the class objects are passed as a tuple.

Example 26

# Demonstrate the built-in function issubclass()

# The program defines four classes.
# The first three classes have close
# inherentence links.
# The fourth class, Dealership(), is
# totally unrelated to the other three classes.

# Base class
class Car:
    doors = 2
    wheels = 4

#Child class of Car  
class Rover(Car):
    def service(self):
        pas # Do something!
# Child class of Rover
class MoonRover(Rover):
    pass # Do something!

# Class unrelated to Car, Rover or MoonRover
class Dealership():
    pass # Do something!
print('Rover is a subclass of Car:',
       issubclass(Rover, Car))
print('MoonRover is a subclass of Car:',
       issubclass(MoonRover, Car))
print('MoonRover is a subclass of Rover:',
       issubclass(MoonRover, Rover))
print('Dealership is a subclass of Car:',
       issubclass(Dealership, Car))


Rover is a subclass of Car: True
MoonRover is a subclass of Car: True
MoonRover is a subclass of Rover: True
Dealership is a subclass of Car: False

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iter(object[, sentinel])

    object: An iterable object
           e.g. string, list, tuple, set, dictionary.


The iter() function returns an iterator for the given argument.

Related functions

enumerate(), next()

Example 27

# Demonstrate built-in functions iter() and next()

Set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

# This is the conventional way to output an iterable.
for item in Set:
    print(item, end=' ')

# To execute the above, MicroPython converts
# the set to an iterator with iter() then
# traverses each element of set by using
# next() on the iterator.
iterSet = iter(Set)
for item in range(0, len(Set)):
    print(next(iterSet), end=' ')


5 1 2 3 4 

5 1 2 3 4 

Back to function list



    object: Any object that is a sequence
            or a collection.

    len('Spam')  ⇒ 4
    len({'orange', 'lemon', 'apple'})  ⇒ 3
    len({'wheels':4, 'doors':2})  ⇒ 2
     ⇒ TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()


The len() function returns the number of items in an object. For example, when the object is a string, the function returns the number of characters in the string. This an incredibly useful function.

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    itearble:  Optional, a sequence, collection
               or an iterator object.

    # Convert a string to a list
    list('Spam')  ⇒ ['S', 'p', 'a', 'm']

    # Converting a dictionary to a list
    creates a list of the dictionary keys
    list({'colour':'red', 'type':'sedan'})
     ⇒ ['type', 'colour']

    Empty list
    list()  ⇒ []


The list() function creates a list object. If a parameter is provided MicroPython will attempt to convert it to a list. If no parameter is given then an empty list is returned.

Related functions

dict(), set(), str(), tuple()

Example 28

# Demonstrate built-in functions list() and set()

# This program will demonstrate a technique
# for removing duplicate values from a list.

# First step is to convert the
# list object to a set object.

# By definition a set is unordered
# and has no duplicates.

# When the list is converted to a set
# any duplicates will be dropped.

# Finally, the set object is converted
# back to a list object.

L = ['one', 1, 'L', 'one', 5.26, 1]
count = len(L)
print('Original list:', L)

# Convert to a set, all duplicates are dropped.
S = set(L)
# Convert back to a list, with no duplicates.
L = list(S)
print('List with duplicates removed:', L)
print('Number of duplicates removed:', count - len(L))


Original list: ['one', 1, 'L', 'one', 5.26, 1]
List with duplicates removed: [5.26, 1, 'one', 'L']
Number of duplicates removed: 2

Back to function list





The locals() function returns the dictionary of the current local symbol table at the point in the program where the function is called.

Related functions


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map(function, iterables)

    The function to execute on each iterable.

    One or more sequence, collection
    or iterator objects.The function
    must have one parameter for each iterable.

    An iterator object.


The map() function executes a specified function for each item in an iterable. The item is sent to the function as a parameter.

Related functions


Example 29

# Demonstrates built-in function map().

# Square root function.
from math import sqrt

# Calculates and outputs the square root
# of all elements of a set.
Set = (23, 45, 9, 5.42)
print('EXAMPLE 1')
print('The set is:', Set)
# Use map() to calculate the square root
# of all elements of the set and store
# in another set.
sqrtSet = map(sqrt, Set)
print('The square roots are:', end=' ')
for item in sqrtSet: print(item, end=' ')

# Calculates and outputs the sums of
# equivalent elements of three lists.
List1 = [23, 45, 90]
List2 = [32, 89, 2, 5]
List3 = [65, 86, 32]
print('\n\nEXAMPLE 2')
print(List1, List2, List3)

def Sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z

# First time round List1[0], List2[0] and List3[0]
# are summed and printed out.
# Then List1[1], List2[1] and List3[1]
# are summed and printed out.
# This continues till all elements have been
# iterarted through, summed and printed.
sumList = map(Sum, List1, List2, List3)
print('The sums are:', end=' ')
for item in sumList: print(item, end=' ')

def Sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
sumList = map(Sum, List1, List2, List3)
print('The sums are:')
for item in sumList:


The set is: (23, 45, 9, 5.42)
The square roots are: 4.795832 6.708204 3.0 2.328089 

[23, 45, 90] [32, 89, 2, 5] [65, 86, 32]
The sums are: 120 220 124 

Each use of map() in the example above returns an iterator. A for loop is used to access each element of the iterator to output the value.

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Form 1:
max(n1, n2[, n3, ...])

Form 2:

    n1, n2[], n3, ...]	Two or more items to compare.

    iterable: An iterable, with one or 
              more items to compare.

    max(23.1, 6, 53)  ⇒ 53
    max('23.1', '6', '53')  ⇒ '6'
    max([8, 78, 99, pow(9, 3)])  ⇒ 729
    max({'wheels':4, 'doors':'2'})  ⇒ 'wheels'


The max() function returns the item with the highest value, or the item with the highest value in an iterable. If the values are strings, an alphabetical comparison is done.

Related functions


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    obj:  object whose internal data is to be exposed.


The memoryview() function returns memoryview[3] objects. A memoryview object allows MicroPython code to access the internal data of an object that supports the buffer protocol without copying.

Objects that support the buffer protocol include bytearrays[3], bytes[3], string and uarray.array[3]. A bytearray may, for example, contain a very large block of text. Each time this bytearray is passed to a function (both built-in and user coded) a copy must be created. It is this copy that the function operates upon.

Instead if a memoryview object is passed to the function there is no copying necessary and the function operates directly on the object's data. This is similiar to passing arguments by reference in other languages such as C++. This can result in large processing efficiencies.

Example 30

# Demonstrate built-in function memoryview()

# Function to print the elements of
# an iterable object.
def output(obj,name):
    print('elements of', name, ': ', end=' ')
    for elements in obj:
        print(elements, end=' ')

# Define a bytearray object then
# obtain a memoryview object of it.
print('Initial objects')
B = bytearray([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
output(B, 'bytearray')
M = memoryview(B)
output(M, 'memoryview')

# Change first element in the memoryview (M)
M[0] = 9
# Change second element in the bytearray (B)
B[1] = 8

# Output the two objects again.
# The first two elements of the bytearray
# and memoryview will be changed in an
# identical fashion. This indicates that
# the memoryobject M does indeed reference the
# same physical memory of the bytearray B.
print('\nFinal objects')
output(B, 'bytearray')
output(M, 'memoryview')


Initial objects
elements of bytearray :  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
elements of memoryview :  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

Final objects
elements of bytearray :  9 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
elements of memoryview :  9 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Back to function list



Form 1:
min(n1, n2[, n3, ...])

Form 2:

    n1, n2[, n3, ...]	Two or more items to compare.

    iterable: An iterable, with one
              or more items to compare.

    min(23.1, 6, 53)  ⇒ 6
    min('23.1', '6', '53')  ⇒ '23.1'
    min([8, 78, 99, pow(9, 3)])  ⇒ 8
    min({'wheels':4, 'doors':'2'})  ⇒ 'doors'


The min() function returns the item with the lowest value, or the item with the lowest value in an iterable. If the values are strings, an alphabetical comparison is done.

Related functions


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    iterable: Any iterable object
    e.g. set, list, string, dictionary.


The next() function returns the next item in an iterator.

Related functions

enumerate(), iter()


An example of this function can be found here where the iter() function is discussed.

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    This function has no parameters.

    obj = object()


The object() function returns a featureless object which is a base for all classes.

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  integer: Any integer


The oct() function converts an integer number to its octal (base 8) representation and returns the octal representation in a string format. The string is prefixed by 0o followed by the 0's to 7's making up the octal equivalent of the integer. For example, the integer 10 is 12 in octal so oct(10) = '0o12'.

The integer can be in decimal, binary or hexadecimal format. All of the following will return the octal representation '0o12':

Decimal (base 10)
oct(10)  ⇒ '0o12'

oct(0b1010)  ⇒ '0o12'

oct(0xa)  ⇒ '0o12'

Related functions

hex(), int(), bin()

Example 31

# Demonstrates the built-in function oct()

int1 = 15
int2 = 16
# Convert to octal
oct1 = oct(int1)
oct2 = oct(int2)

# String concatenation, not numerical addition.
sum1 = oct1 + oct2 
       oct1, '+', oct2, '=', sum1)

# Correct numerical addition.
sum2 = oct(int(oct1) + int(oct2))
print('CORRECT...', oct1, '+', oct2, '=', sum2)

# Convert the sum to decimal.
print('Converting to decimal...', sum2, '=', int(sum2))


WRONG... 0o17 + 0o20 = 0o170o20
CORRECT... 0o17 + 0o20 = 0o37
Converting to decimal... 0o37 = 31

The result of the function oct() is a string. A octal represented string can be converted back to a decimal integer using the int() function.

Mathematical operations can only be performed when the octal representation has been converted to the equivalent decimal integer.

The primary purpose of the oct() function is for presentation or formatted output.



open(file[, mode])

  file: The path and name of the file.

  mode: Optional, a string which defines mode
        to open the file in:
          'r' - Read - Default value, opens a 
                       file for reading; error if 
                       the file does not exist.
          'w' - Write - Opens a file for writing,
                        creates the file if it
                        does not exist.
        Additionnaly the file can be specified
        as text or binary:
          't' - Default, Text mode.
          'b' - Binary mode.

  # Opens 'speed.dat' for reading in text mode.

  # Opens 'dump.bin' for writing in binary mode.
  open('dump.bin', 'wb')


The open() function opens a file, and returns it as a file object. A tutorial on file handling in MicroPython can be found here.

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  character: A single ascii character.

  ord('A')  ⇒ 65
  ord('4')  ⇒ 52


Returns an integer representing the Unicode character. Python's version of this function will accept any standard unicode character.

However in MicroPython the character must be a member of the original ascii set that returns a value in the range 0..255. Any other character passed will raise a TypeError exception.

Related functions



Example 12 demonstrates the use of ord() and its inverse function chr().

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pow(base, exponent)

  base: An integer, float or complex number
  exponent: An integer, float or complex number

  pow(5, 4)  ⇒ 625
  pow(625, 1/4)  ⇒ 5.0
  pow(97.612, 2.6795)  ⇒ 214226.9
  pow(3.14 + 4.6j, 2.3 + 9.1j)
  ⇒ (0.004130766-0.006250403j)


The pow(x, y) function returns the value of x raised to the power of y i.e. xy.

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print(*objects[, sep=string, end=string])

  *objects: One or more objects separated by commas.
            Optional * will unpack an object with
            multiple elements.

  sep: Optional string printed as separator of 
       multiple items on a line.
       Default is a space (' ').

  end: Optional string that will be printed
       at the end of the line.
       Default is a new line character ('\n').



The print() function prints the given object to the standard output device (REPL).

Example 32

# Demonstrates built-in print() function.

# Square root function
from math import sqrt

# Simple examples
print('Simple examples')
print('Square root of 5 =', sqrt(5))
print([1, 2, 3, 4, 'Spam'])
print('\n')  # Newline character

# Unpacking an object with multiple elements
print('Unpacking an object with multiple elements')
print(*[1, 2, 3, 4, 'Spam'])
print(*[1, 2, 3, 4, 'Spam'], sep=' | ')

# Specifying a line ending string
print('\nUsing a line end string')
t = 'H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d'
for element in t:
    print(element, end='')


Simple examples
Square root of 5 = 2.236068
[1, 2, 3, 4, 'Spam']

Unpacking an object with multiple elements
1 2 3 4 Spam
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Spam

Using a line end string
Hello World

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property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)

  fget: Function to return the value
        of the managed attribute.

  fset: Function to set the value
        of the managed attribute.

  fdel: Function that defines how
        to handle the deletion
        of the managed attribute.

  doc: Docstring available when using
       the help() function.


With MicroPython's property(), managed attributes can be created in classes. Managed attributes, also known as properties, are useful when needing to modify the internal implementation of a class without changing its public interface.

This allows improved/additional functionality to be introduced into a class without breaking any existing usage of this class.

This is a full topic in its own right and is covered in some detail with examples here.

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range(start, stop, step)

  start: Optional, integer specifying first
         number in the range.
         Default is 0.

  stop: Integer; range stops just before
        this number.

  step: Otional, integer value used as
        the increment.
        Default = 1.

  range(5)  ⇒ 0 1 2 3 4
  range(1, 5)  ⇒ 1 2 3 4
  range(1, 9, 2)  ⇒ 1 3 5 7

  range(1, 9.4, 2)
  TypeError: can't convert float to int

  range('A', 'E')
  ⇒ TypeError: can't convert str to int

  range(ord('A'), ord('E'))
  ⇒ 65 66 67 68


The range() function returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 by default, and increments by 1 by default, and stops before a specified number.

The range() function is especially useful in for loops.

Example 33

# Example of range() function in a for loop.

# This program sums the first 10,000 integers.
start = 1
end = 10000

# Function that sums a range
# of sequential integers.
def doSum(first, last):
    sum = 0
    for count in range(first, last +1):
        sum +=count
    return sum
print('Sum of integers from',
       start,'to', end,'is',
       doSum(start, end))


Sum of integers from 1 to 10000 is 50005000

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  obj: The object whose printable
       representation is to be returned.


The repr() method returns a string containing a printable representation of an object. This function calls the underlying __repr__() function of the object.

In a user defined class, __repr__ can be overridden to provide a better output result than the default behaviour.

Example 34

# Demonstrates built-in repr() function.

class student():
    firstname = 'Jack'
    lastname = 'Brown'
    # Class constructor
    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname):
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname

    # Returns a formatted view of the class
    # suitable for use with the print() function.
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.firstname + ' ' + self.lastname
myStudent = student('Chris', 'Jones')

# The repr() function calls the __repr__() method.
print('My student is', repr(myStudent))


My student is Chris Jones

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  sequence: Any iterable object that is subscriptable.


The reversed() function returns an iterator object with the elements of a sequence, subscriptable object in reverse order. Objects that the reversed() function can operate on include string, tuple , list and range.

The function cannot be used on set and dictionary objects as these types aren't subscriptable. A set doesn't have a defined order and the values in a dictionary are defined by their keys.

Example 35

# Demonstrate built-in reversed() function.

# Output the elements of an iterable object.
def Output(obj):
    for those in obj:
        print(those, end=' ')

# Reverse the order of a list
L = [1, 2, 3.498, 'Spam']
L = reversed(L)

# Reverse the order of a tuple.
T = (45, 'world', [1, 2, 3.498, 'Spam'])

# Reverse the order of a string.
S = 'dlroW olleH'
S = reversed(S)

# Attempt to reverse the order of a set
# This will result in a TypeError exception
# being raised.
Set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Set = reversed(Set)


1 2 3.498 Spam 
Spam 3.498 2 1 

45 world [1, 2, 3.498, 'Spam'] 
[1, 2, 3.498, 'Spam'] world 45 

d l r o W   o l l e H 
H e l l o   W o r l d 

5 1 2 3 4 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 35, in <module>
  File "main.py", line 5, in Output
TypeError: 'set' object isn't subscriptable

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round(number, digits)

  number: The number to be rounded.
  digits: Optional, number is rounded
          to this number of decimals.
          Default = 0

  round(5.6)  ⇒ 6
  round(5.4)  ⇒ 5
  round(5.416398, 4)  ⇒ 5.4164

  round(3.1412 + 5.2j)
  ⇒ TypeError: can't convert complex to float

  round('67.94', 1)
  ⇒ TypeError: can't convert str to float

  round(float('67.94'), 1)  ⇒ 67.9


The round() function returns a floating point number that is a rounded version of the specified number, with the specified number of decimals.

The default number of decimals is 0, meaning that the function will return the nearest integer.

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  itearble:  Optional, a sequence, collection
             or an iterator object.

  set('Spam')  ⇒ {'a', 'p', 'S', 'm'}

  set({'colour':'red', 'type':'sedan'})
  ⇒ {'colour', 'type'}

  set()  ⇒ set()


The set() function creates a set object. If a parameter is provided MicroPython will attempt to convert it to a set. If no parameter is given then an empty set is returned. As shown in the third example above, an empty set is represented by set() not {} since this is the notation for an empty dictionary.

If set() is applied to a dictionary, a set containing the dictionary keys will be returned.

Related functions

dict(), list(), str(), tuple()


See Example 28 demonstrating the usage of set() and list()

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setattr(;object, attribute, value)

  object:  The object to set an attribute on.

  attribute:  The name (as a string) of 
              the attribute to set.

  value:  The value to assign to the attribute.


The setattr() function sets the specified value of the specified attribute of the specified object.

Related functions

delattr(), getattr(), hasattr()

Example 36

# Demonstrate setattr() and getattr() functions.

class SecretAgents:
    agent1 = {'Name':'Fred', 'Age':35}
    agent2 = {'Name':'Jack', 'Age':70}
    agent3 = {'Name':'Bill', 'Age':43}
    agency = 'CIA'

myAgents = SecretAgents()
print('The agency is', getattr(myAgents, 'agency'))
print('Updating the agency')
setattr(myAgents, 'agency', 'FBI')
print('The agency is now', myAgents.agency)


The agency is CIA
Updating the agency
The agency now is FBI

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sorted(iterable[, key=key, reverse=reverse])

  iterable: The sequence to sort e.g. a list, 
            dictionary, tuple etc.

  key: Optional, function to execute that
       provides the sort order.
      Default is None.

  reverse: Optional boolean; 
           False will sort ascending.
           True will sort descending.
           Default is False.


The sorted() function sorts the elements of a given iterable in a specific order (ascending or descending) and returns it as a list. An optional function (key) can be passed as an argument to define a custom sort order.

Example 37

# Demonstrate the buult-in function sorted().
# Sort a list of strings based on string length.

# outputs all items of an iterable object.
def Output(obj):
    for those in obj:
        print(those, end=' ')

# A list of strings
L = ['The',
     '"Bah Bah"']

print('Original list of strings:')

# Sort strings alphabetically
print('Sorted alphabetically:')

# Sort strings shortest to longest.
print('Sorted shortest to longest string length:')
Output(sorted(L, key = len))

# Sort strings longest to shortest.
print('Sorted longest to shortest string length:')
Output(sorted(L, key = len, reverse = True))


Original list of strings:
the little lamb is callest "Bah Bah" 

Sorted alphabetically:
"Bah Bah" callest is lamb little the 

Sorted from shortest to longest string length:
is the lamb little callest "Bah Bah" 

Sorted from longest to shortest string length:
"Bah Bah" callest little lamb the is 

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Returns a static method from a given instance method. A short tutorial on MicroPython static methods with examples can be found here.

From digitalocean.com:

Static methods in Python are extremely similar to python class level methods, the difference being that a static method is bound to a class rather than the objects for that class. This means that a static method can be called without an object for that class.

The staticmethod() function, while not depreciated from Python, is considered ‘old-fashioned’. The recommended way of classifying a static method is with the @staticmethod decorator.

Related functions


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  object: Optional, object to be converted
          to a string object.

  str(5)  ⇒ '5'
  str(3.1415)  ⇒ '3.1415'

  str(['S', 'p', 'a', 'm'])
  ⇒ "['S', 'p', 'a', 'm']"

  str()  ⇒ ''


The str() function returns the string representation of a given object. If no parameter is given, the function returns an empty string.

Related functions

dict(), list(), set(), tuple()

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sum(iterable[, start])

  iterable:  Any iterable (list, tuple, set, etc)
             containing only numbers; i.e. any
             combination of integer, float or complex.

  start: Optional value that is added to
         the sum of the items.
         Default = 0.

  sum((1, 2, 3))   ⇒ 6
  sum((1.0, 2, 3), 100)   ⇒ 106.0
  sum([1, pow(9, 4), 3 + 4j])   ⇒ (6565+4j)


The sum() function adds the items of an iterable and returns the sum.

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  This is the simplest form of the
  function and most commonly used.


The super() function provides access to methods in a superclass from the subclass that inherits from it. Calling super() returns a temporary object of the superclass that then allows calls to the superclass's methods.

This article will only be discussing the simplest use of this powerful function, concluding with an example of single inheritance. An excellent and detailed discussion of this function including examples of multiple inheritance can be found at realpython.com.

Example 38

# Demonstrate built-in function super()

# Square root function.
from math import sqrt

class Triangle:
    # The Triangle can be any three sided shape.
    # a, b, c are the side lengths of the triangle.
# Class constructor
    def __init__(self, a, b, c):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c

    # Calculate area of triangle.
    def area(self):
        # Calculated using Heron's Formula
         a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c
         s = (a+b+c)/2
         return sqrt(s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c))

    # Calculate perimeter of triangle.
    def perimeter(self):
        return self.a + self.b + self.c

class RightAngleTriangle(Triangle):
    # A right angle triangle is just a
    # specific type of triangle.
    # The area and perimeter calulations for
    # a right angle triangle can be performed by
    # the methods of the Triangle class.
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        # The dimensions of a
        # right angle triangle can be defined
        # with just the two side lengths.
        # The hypotenuse does not need to be provided
        # as it can be easily calculated.
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        # Calculate the hypotenuse
        hyp = sqrt(a*a + b*b)
        # Need to return a Triangle object
        # so that the area and hypotenuse of the
        # right angle triangle can be calculated.
        super().__init__(a, b, hyp)

# Define triangle of any shape
Scalene = Triangle(5.342,10.4,12.9)
print('Scalene triangle')
print('Dimensions:',Scalene.a, ',',
       Scalene.b, ',', Scalene.c) 
print('Perimeter =',Scalene.perimeter())
print('Area =',Scalene.area())

# Define right angle triangle
raTri = RightAngleTriangle(3, 4)
print('\nRight angle triangle')
print('Dimensions:',raTri.a, ',',
       raTri.b, ',', raTri.c)
print('Perimeter =',raTri.perimeter())
print('Area =',raTri.area())


Scalene triangle
Dimensions: 5.342 , 10.4 , 12.9
Perimeter = 28.642
Area = 26.76677

Right angle triangle
Dimensions: 3 , 4 , 5.0
Perimeter = 12.0
Area = 6.0

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  itearble:  Optional, a sequence, collection
             or an iterator object.

  tuple('Spam')  ⇒ ('S', 'p', 'a', 'm')

  tuple({'colour':'red', 'type':'sedan'})
  ⇒ ('type', 'colour')

  tuple()  ⇒ ()


The tuple() function creates a tuple object. If a parameter is provided MicroPython will attempt to convert it to a tuple. If no parameter is given then an empty tuple is returned.

If tuple() is applied to a dictionary, a tuple containing the dictionary keys will be returned.

Related functions

dict(), list(), set(), str()

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  object: Any MicroPython object.

  type('Spam')  ⇒ <class 'str'>
  type({1:'one', 2:'two'})  ⇒ <class 'dict'>

    class aClass:
        a = 'Spam'

    myClass = aClass()
    type(myClass)  ⇒ <class 'aClass'>


The type() function returns the type of the object. There is a more complicated version of this function also supported by MicroPython but will not be covered here.

If there is a need to check the type of an object, it is better to use the isinstance() function instead. The isinstance() function also checks if the given object is an instance of the subclass and secondly, multiple types can checked against in a single function call.

Related functions


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zip([iterable1, iterable2, ... iterableN])

  iterable1, iterable2, ... iterableN: 
              Zero, one or more iterables.


The zip() function returns a zip object, which is an iterator of tuples where the first item in each passed iterable is paired together, and then the second item in each passed iterable are paired together, etc.

If the passed iterables have different lengths, the iterable with the least items decides the length of the new iterator.

If sequences like lists, tuples, or strings are passed as arguments to zip(), then the iterables are guaranteed to be evaluated from left to right.

If other types of iterables are used such as the set type then the order of the tuples in the resultant iterator will be unpredictable.

The zip() function provides an easy way to create dictionaries. This is demonstrated in the example below.

Example 39

# Demonstrates built-in function zip()

# No arguements passed to zip()
L = list(zip())
print(L) # Returns an empty list.

# Three lists passed to zip().
# The second list has only two elements.
# The function will only return two pairs of tuples.
l1 = ['Spam', 45, 3+5j]
l2 = ['World', 6+2j]
l3 = [1, 2, 3]
L = list(zip(l1, l2, l3))

# Demonstrating how zip() can be used
# to construct dictionaries.
key = ('one', 'two', 'three')
value = (1, 2, 3)
D = dict(zip(key, value))


[('Spam', 'World', 1), (45, (6+2j), 2)]
{'two': 2, 'one': 1, 'three': 3}

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